
Dude, that's deep level stuff right there. Nice.

Unless they weren't executed yet. Those could be drafts. On a couple of the letters that he held up, there were no signatures on it. It would be more likely to be discovered comparing them to the electronic versions.

I thought it fit the scene well rather than just a technical show off. A good demonstration without dialogue of how the hustle and bustle of a border crossing makes it easier for stuff to slip through, also contrasted with the complete calm and boredom of the mule. Seeing all the activity really brought the concept

Interesting. I thought about steadicam, but couldn't figure out the high angle they got as they went over the border station. They do some crazy stuff on this show. Love it.

"Mumble, mumble…. mumble, mumble, mumble…mumble, mumble."

I doubt he'd be all over television and bus stop benches in the same town if he was on the run for murder.

And emphasized how detail oriented he/they are.

Doubt that was the crew. Just some guys on base who wanted a picture.

Ya, great tracking shot. Doubt it was with a drone. Probably an untracked dolly shot with a vertical jib.

It's a Rule of Evidence (Rule 408 in the Federal Rules, varies by state). Settlement negotiations are inadmissible for most things you would want them admitted for.


Daisy instantly dubbing him Mini-Mack was a nice touch.

Upvote for the Punch Out! ref.

Wonder if the store had the Hobo Code for "sucker" carved into its door frame.

You, beema, are worse than Hitler!

These are essentially two separate intellectual properties.The book and movie exist somewhat independently and when viewed as such can each be enjoyed on their own levels (at least if you are a Lynch fan, like me). The book is far, far superior (my favorite book of all time, I think I've read it 12 times at this

Yeah. Getting worked up over finales, and breaks, and production schedules makes no sense with this show. Take each and every episode as the freaking jewel that it is. Revel in it. Watch it twice. Then go back and watch in sequence when it is all done.

She specifically said that RD was the most professional villain in the business. The dude is on an entirely different level form the rest. I love him. CB is a god damned national treasure.

Mmmm Hmmm.

You just backspace it when you are abbreviating stuff. When you write that way constantly it becomes second nature.