
I've been listening to those since back in BB days. I agree they are fantastic for production insight..

You can get "credited" years. He might have been brought in higher than his actual years based upon him bringing in a high dollar client.

Can I just say that the lighting in this episode was fucking fantastic. From all the single point, high white lighting in the cold open, to the dungeon-esque table lamp lighting in the corn field, to the sunrise in the above screen cap. Plus some rainstorm back-lighting thrown in for good measure. Just amazing.

I think we are going to go full circle into hydroplaning at some point.

Seemed to me there was a lot of electronic buzz in the open though (at least until Jimmy showed up). Florescent buzz, microwave going, even her punching the timer. Lots of electronic stuff going on. Deliberate I'm sure.

The tag was ripped off in the scuffle with Associate-Bot 2000 so it lost all value.

Yes, and Chuck didn't visit Kim in the corn field. She was dropping something off outside his office and turned on the light not knowing he was there.

My firm had this as a style as well, may have even been in the Bluebook at the time. You could configure Wordperfect to automatically put in two spaces after periods. If memory serves, when the firm switched to MS Word it wouldn't do that and it drove me nuts. I pined for WP for a good 5 years after we switched.

Polite Fight's "Number 3" hypothesis gets another boost by Kim being *3 on Jimmy's speed dial.

He learned from Jim Beaver. Repeat business. He saved Nacho even if Nacho doesn't know it.


Gave it a shot below. Add stuff in please.

Ok, did it myself.

So, Legion of Doom analogues. Had to look this up and compare to the cold open (great line "Ten of the most ruthlessly self-involved villains on Earth, loosely align forces against the power of good."). There are some obvious actual The Factory analogues wrapped into this, but I'm not familiar enough with that to know

I'd like a transcription of Hank's Bull Durham speech.

Was borderline. He could claim he was only talking to the one potential client that had reached out to him (which would take it out of the solicitation prohibition) and the other's just HAPPENED to overhear and spoke up about joining. The fact that he had a briefcase full of clipboards and bribed the driver to stop,

No, advertising and solicitation are two separate things. Solicitation requires direct contact, not broad-based advertising. His ad complied with the rules, its just that it put the firm's name on something that the partners hadn't seen. That is a big no-no.

If my noir reading has taught me anything, its that vets have access to medical training and drugs and are not monitored nearly as much as doctors. Good for fixing up gun-shot wounds, etc. A good nexus for underworld communications and job hunting.

Lawyer here. Begley's reaction was MILD. That type of thing is put through the ringer of partner meetings and everyone needs to be on board. When I was helping design the web site for my firm (back in the early days, 1999-ish), picking the background color took 4 meetings. I'm not exaggerating one bit. This was

Loved the foil rustling every time he barely moved.