
Heh. I had it as antlers when I first wrote it. Changed up the whole post and made it horns for no discernible reason.

He's listed in the credits as Jagermeister (had horns and the cross on his chest) and isn't in the wiki, so I assume he is new.

Was actually Gary, and I loved his "What the F?"

I look at nearly all VB episodes as just extremely funny one-offs. To view it as a cohesive whole is going to require getting to the end and watching them all in rapid succession. It will actually be another type of viewing experience and one that will likely have different pleasures than how I have dealt with the

Wasn't there some line early on this season about The Monarch being "downgraded" or am I making that up in my memory?

I also love that Brick Frog was hanging out in the bar, apparently with a new villain called Jagermeister. Was that Erzatz Apache Chief at the end of the bar?

Eh, I guess. I don't think watching this show for its story or long-term plot is really the way to get enjoyment out of it. But to each their own.

Ah, yes, re-watched. "Other level 10s". My bad.

I must have missed that. Where was that mentioned?

No, I am being genuine. I'm not into the hate-watching stuff. It truly seems like the show has lost you for whatever reason.

I suggest you stop watching, you clearly aren't enjoying the show any more.

Those other ones aren't 10s. They are sub-arching under Wale's "Fiends and Family" plan.

Brock doing a walk of shame, even carrying his shoes. So good.

Whew, just in time for Venture Brothers.






Is it really a "live blog" when they are 3 awards behind?