
He killed the doorman in this one.

It's a bit of a trope. The micro-civilization on Bender and Lisa's cola-tooth (both inspired by the Zone's Little People) come to mind.

Have you…. watched this show before?

24 was the voice only 21 heard.

I doubt they have a confluence of Dean, Brown Widow, and Stars & Garters for no reason.

Hank almost making out with Brock didn't do it for you?

"I see you've brought me a corpse."

Plus a 24 cameo as Obi Wan. I mean, come on.

B+, are you fucking kidding me? This may be a Top 10 entry for VB, which is saying quite a bit. Just wall-to-wall awesomeness.

Buckwheat has been shot, I repeat Buckwheat has been shot.

You are going to feel really bad when he, indeed, "goes to the jakes."


It's a good thing you weren't a Grade A moron.

Ya, Eco is the king (for me at least) of finding out stuff later that seemed like outrageous fiction is actually historical fact.


Kanye who?

Costanza realized its dark side long before that.

Needed some Abraham Benrubi to spice it up.

Ya, they didn't "take scenes" as suggested above. It is a shot-for-shot remake.