
That's close to how I imagine Gorgeous the Screaming Potato looks.

Thank you. I knew his voice/mannerisms were a reference and it was dancing around in the back of my head without being able to pin it down.

Can sign up for the whole season until the 7th.

This is the correct answer. 10 points to House HockeyMike.

The random 70s black guy who walks through and high-fives Mouse after he shoots all the Nazis with a "My man!" is my single favorite ZAZ bit and probably one of my favorite jokes in all of movies.

Is this the Potato Farm?

It was a 707, not a 747. And it had the sound of a prop plane. So good.

Today's Hello From The Magic Tavern ("Assassin") had, for my money at least, the single most laugh inducing line of the whole run. I won't ruin it but it cracked up the guys so much they had to cut to break.

Huh, Dori was married to Michael Chricton for 15 years.

Should write a book: "Random Service Encounters with Celebrities."

Oh, the U.S. Dolchstoßlegende is alive and well.

Yup. One of the best books on the subject is Imperial Life in the Emerald City. Lays bare the whole neocon mess.

That film got me hooked on Morris (and by extension Herzog), true crime stuff, and documentaries in general. Watch it every time I find that it is on. So good.

Left off Murder on a Sunday Morning:

Glad you like it.


Should do this if they can work Ronnie James Dio into it somehow.

"the only reviewer who seems to out and out disdain this show"

Also, played by Kenneth Branagh in a very good TV movie about the Wannsee Conference (meeting where the implementation of the Final Solution was worked out) called Conspiracy.