
Submit to my toast, my PLEASURE TOAST.

It was abundantly clear throughout all his reviews that Vikram had no clue what The Brink was even trying to do. It wasn't great, but it was at least interesting and trying to do something not usually seen on TV here in the U.S. It's a shame that the reviewer they put on it was so unwilling to even try to understand

Me too. I'll be in my safe space.

When Molly tells the story in S1 she talks about them coming to get her in Algebra class so unless she is a math prodigy that doesn't happen until a few years after S2.

30 years at the top can make anyone soft.

He was the narrator last week. This week it was Lou (Wilson).

That seems to be a minority opinion.

Tripoli in Season 1 says nearly the identical line that Hanzee/Tripoli says as his final statement in this episode.

I actually think Robert B. Parker came pretty close to perfecting that formula (in another locale of course), although I am also a fan of MacDonald.

I once tried to read Tropic of Cancer while on mushrooms. It did not go well.

More like a "huh, that was a thing" way. Parts of it have definitely stuck with me, just not sure what to think of it as a literary whole, particularly since a lot of it is based on historical reality even though it is bugfuck crazy. It's clearly an "important" book and one of the few McCarthy's I hadn't read yet,

Lonesome Dove is so good that its 800 pages will probably go by like 500.

Don't let them push you onto Atlas Shrugged. Don't do it!

Love that series as I am a Stephenson fanboy but it is indeed the doctorate capstone seminar of that type of book.

Read the Black Company books by Glen Cook if you haven't. Different genre but similar vibe to Wolf's stuff.

Read Blood Meridian finally. Still don't know what to think about it 7 months later.

That also had bullet holes in it from the KC ambush.

He's still alive. He shows up in Season 1.

Very solid entry Will. There is usually a point about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way through any RR when I think to my self "hey this is really good, I bet this is a Will one" and then look up and it invariably is.

Also love his delivery of the pregame: