
I love his halftime speech in Necessary Roughness:

The "rescue" in the movie being a set-up (i.e. Reagan didn't really shoot the Nazi since he got up and left after the two trapped people ran off) has to have some sort of thematic tie-in, but I can't figure it out quite yet.

Was also right after Dodd makes a Sampson and Delilah reference.

After seeing that movie I ate at a burrito place then got violently ill once I got home, so my memories of it are pretty terrible.

Hi, I'm Bob Evil.

Wasn't the meeting with Bulo in the basement (or conference rooms) of that hotel?

A pretty direct lift of Tom Reagan's walk into the woods in Miller's Crossing, complete with Danny Boy. He got out of there alive (Thanks Mink!) so maybe Simone somehow did too (although I doubt it).

You sure you aren't thinking of Mark Harmon?

Well Caveman has the immortal dialogue:

This is one of our chosen watches for this year's Turkey Day.

This is one of our chosen watches for this year's Turkey Day.


It's not as coherent of a film as most of Brooks' stuff but there are lots of great gags IMO.

We ain't found shit!

A great stylistic touch: In the opening credits Charlie is walking towards his phone call. They do a 70's style freeze and de-saturate the shot. Sets up that the entire episode revolves (more or less) around Charlie even though he doesn't have a single line in it.

Had the same reaction, but could have been a salt water pool I suppose.

Agent May Wick.

Some real balls would be to do that and then pair the director up with Effie. See if the dynamics change or not.

I bet their entire involvement in this show is to show up on camera 2-3 times to mouth some sentence-like words and then cash an EP check.

Think of that scene with Jason in the editing room reacting to every suggested cut like he was being flayed alive. All in the service of total dogshit.