
Cool. Thanks for the info.

No mention of the lullaby from Raising Arizona over the closing credits?

No. He lost 2 hours. Clock in the cafe showed 7:10. Watch showed 9:15. Seemed to imply an abduction.

And in fact the line producer (Chris Moore) had to rescue that bullshit too by filming a different scene. The line producer always gets the "villain" edit on PG because they are the mean money people cracking the whip. Jason was such an obnoxious asshole that even PG couldn't turn the line producer into the villain

I think guys like Tarantino, Malick, Peter Jackson, James Cameron, Ridley Scott, Ron Howard, Michael Bay, Fincher, Burton, Eastwood, and probably a few more like the the Cohen Brothers would have final cut.

Articulating a counter-position or providing alternatives is "push back." This putz just did a bunch of passive-aggressive "hmm"-ing and grimaces.

The Bun Identity.

Nope. Looked terrible.

Good lord is Jason a spoiled man-baby. Effie showed restraint merely by not ripping off his head and shitting down his neck hole.

He also gave him the 3 million dollars to make the fucking thing.

Very underrated joke that I am surprised wasn't mentioned in the review. A) Homer knows what Prop 305 is, b) of course he opposes it, and c) the voice acting. One of my favorite Simpson's jokes.

Surprised the ending isn't getting more attention. Really highlighted the difference between actual suffering and the "suffering" from being mocked for narcissistic bullshit put up on the internet.

My man!

I don't think so. The black people in those wide shots were all crew.

Sepinwall says it was a live version.

Future (unlikely) hopes for the show given the time period and vibe:

That was a great track to play. The Americans level of pull.

Lorna Luft in those sparkly gold pants did strange things to me man. Strange…things.

You gotta take the plunge. Staying Alive is cheese incarnate (Frank Stallone variant).

Watching that just now permanently damaged my DNA.