
Wow, even in those quick-cuts you can still see how fucking beautiful BB was shot.

Avatar/article/comment discontinuity error.

Wow, this is a real "plate of shrimp" moment for me since I have finally, after a decade of trying, talked my wife into watching The Wire. We started S3 this very night.

Home of the "Super Power Building."

"Flat Scotch"? What kind of carbonated Scotch are you drinking?

Probably to avoid accusations of it being "fixed".

Is the book worth the read even after watching the show?

During the lottery scene my wife just exclaimed out of nowhere "They're all women!"

Big Chief came in to tell them all the score.

Dukie at least had the decency to be a fictional character.

I took it that his complete lack of any defensiveness satisfied her that it was political BS. The framing of Vinni at the funeral made it seem like regret/guilt that she had stooped that low to lie about an affair (highlighted by her aide talking about how shitty it was right after the call).

I doubt it was any "gendering" (whatever the fuck that means). Knowing Simon it was likely a short-hand for a whisper campaign that happened against Nick during the primary campaign. A lot of his downfall was short-handed (the IDA investigation, the rumors of affair, etc).

Schiff's line reading of "That would make me Robert Kraft" was worth the whole season.

Thus endeth the "reviews of show I think they should make instead of the show they are actually making."

Lots of weird Lynch stuff not in the book.

No springs my friend.

They did. The review is wrong.

Was the high school stadium where they dumped the ashes. Not Sun Life.

Ya, Hudsucker is great but in no way is it better than Miller's Crossing, which is a masterpiece.

insert Rainier Wolfcastle pic here.