
It was BS public relations put out by his camp so he wouldn't be bugged about his goofball religion while out promoting the film. He is never leaving.

Also, names on a document are interesting. Signatures on a document mean that person has read it and assenting to its contents.

The drip is the best part.

Eh, not sure it was a hallucination per se. She was experiencing a loss of control, which certainly can happen on it. She is pretty buttoned up and repressing that memory. More like a flashback to trauma in a high-stress situation where she is fighting the high. I give it a pass.

Gotta hit all the major arteries, yo.

Heh. Went back and watched it several times (yay DVR). Does sound like she says Frank but it is kinda slurred and Ray and Frank are similar when you do that. I turned on CC and it said " Yes, Ray, I will— I will do that." With the CC on it makes sound more like Ray which is I guess a measure of suggestion.

You knew he was going to smash those models, but I liked the way the director cut away and then had a pan back during the phone call with the entire room trashed.

I have a…thing for women in professional attire. Gugino in that white starched shirt. Holy moly.

It's a farce. We don't do that very often here in the u.s. of a. This show is practically French.

He's no Morten Harket.

She makes Olivia Hussey look like Thelma Ritter.

Zoenen Hoogstandjes?

I think the key is Frank mentioning at least twice that the feds have agreed to pay "cost over-runs."

I actually think it was another cop, the one who was 2x2 covering Ani but eventually bought it.

My last fake ID (created in 1989, ya I'm old) had the name William T. Katt. No one ever picked up on it. I only noticed years later that this was the actual name of the Greatest American Hero.

Beep. Beep.

Mediocre, Selleck. Mediocre.

She will never get over the death of her brother Macho Grande.

Those audience interactions on live comedy podcasts typically give me the same feeling as when Jack Hannah would bring out some crazed beast and Carson had to interact with it.

Although D'athaniel Quen'yarvin wasn't quite up to Spyntax-level I thought it was pretty damn hilarious and definitely in the upper tier of guests/episodes.