

Nick Dipaolo looks even more like Lee J. Cobb in that sketch, you know the guy actually in 12 Angry Men.

That's bad.

The Frogurt contains potassium benzoate.

But this is about a show he isn't even on, he just owns part of it. Those rules wouldn't have applied.

Maybe he doesn't have a 12 inch dick and she doesn't like choking people out?

Seems their marriage is one of political convenience with each able to fuck around fully aware of what each is doing.

People are rather gentle with tits full of rock salt.

Thanks for the confirm. By "made up" I just mean that what he told the president was BS because he hadn't talked to him yet.

I'll have to watch again to be sure, but I think it was the guy Larson was trying to get a hold of with whom he went to Georgetown. He is the semi-made-up, but now real, "moderate" in the Pakistani military he was trying to call.

Fuck that guy.

Fail for not mentioning Ed's barren and rocky place where HI's seed could find no purchase.

Hey, Ridley, ya got any Beeman's?

I did the same thing. Too sweet for me as whiskies go.

Put it on a plate, it will taste better.

G.L.O.W. or GTFO.

I got the impression that the arbiter ruled the contract illegal/unconscionable (as opposed to just unenforceable) so even if that provision was severable, he could toss it out altogether on equitable grounds.

It would generally need a specific clause called a "severability" clause that says if one part is invalid then the rest isn't. But even then, an arbiter could (and in fact did) rule that the contract was "illegal" and "unconscionable" and threw the whole thing out on equitable grounds (I predicted an equity-based

This show is making me hard.

General Veers was preparing his troops for a surface attack for sure.