
Not saying substantively that this was not a likely outcome, just thematically and dramatically could have gone a different direction based upon Monica's character.

Headley was not naked for any of that.

She already confirmed he was King's Blood when she tried to sexy-sexy time with him before they marched out of Castle Black.

Cersei has nothing on Karen Finley.

He's been on the road heading to Mereen.

She was an appointed board member. While she rep's Reviga, she holds the seat. You can't just swap out board members willy nilly. There would have to be a process and Laurie would think she would vote her way right up until the decision point.

That was a bit bogus. They would have had to at least notice Richard and Ehrlich on the meeting for it to be legit even though they had a quorum with 3. With the notice they could have showed up and tried to convince Monica to vote with them to keep Richard as CEO. Would have been an interesting scene to see

And Richard was looking at a page on his phone on how to tie one.

B means billion.

Him being boatraced by the spandex mom is one of those details I love about this show.

Not gloves. Carpel tunnel sleeves.

This…this does not happen.

Although if it was expunged we would lose one of the better long-term riffs/callbacks on The Flop House about that movie (i.e. Gary Oldman's junk)

I don't think it reached its apotheosis of crap until it was Real World v. Road Rules.

Seriously, weren't all these people in grade school (or being generous middle school) when all this stuff was out?

Wil Wheaton is looking a tad older these days.

He can't find the Babel Fish.

Who gives a shit about the fucking marmite!

Recursive Pizza is a good band name.

You are correct. Arbitrators are allowed to look at "equity" to a much higher degree than trial courts.