
Nah. Coke and Don working on it was mentioned at least 4 times (including in this episode), plus him "fixing" the Coke machine in at the motel. They kept hammering the "he does that" and "he always comes back." Who, pray tell, is at Coke's ad agency, who has had a recent transformative hippy experience. That knowing

It's not much of a reach. It think it is patently obvious he created that ad.

Ha, Don created "I'd like to buy the world a Coke." Fitting.

Even crazier is that Capable is Elvis's granddaughter.

Heh, your skills in dealing with elementary-aged kids will do you well in HR.

The Benz was glommed onto the front of the tanker driven by the dude with the huge mutant foot (who ran Gastown).

edit; woops, wrong reply

Well excuuuuuuuse him.

Send over some goons. Some hired goons.

I am full of shame.

They are really great live. Somewhere in Time tour was my second concert (first was Ozzy on the Ultimate Sin tour, with little-known opening band Metallica). The Maiden show was bumped from the arena to a conference center because they double-booked a monster-truck rally. Metal never gets da' respect.

This is one of those articles that when read makes me realize I am old. Dio was and is a rock god to me that needs no analysis. He simply was part of the top pinnacle of the era. I listened to those albums (in cassette form natch) constantly on my boom box and first gen Walkman. I did middle school art projects based

I actually thought it was Jon Gries too, but it's not.

It's great. I always seem to be watching it very late at night and usually under the influence, so that may color my viewpoint, but I love it.

I think you mean Jerome Flynn. Robson & Jerome was his band.


Plus he was right. Those type of sexual harassment suits weren't really successful for another 7-8 years.

I wanted Joan to take him up on sending in "the right man" and for it to be a digitally created young Mike Ehrmantraut.

Her walking in like a boss with the painting was finally some series-final-episodes level of badass that has been lacking.

She was a bit ahead of her time in trying to use Title VII for hostile workplace.