
He was noticing that the window wasn't seated properly and let the air in. Symbolic of the false "heaven" he has managed to land in.

Nah, they got Dick Whitman.

Didn't know Deb could code. I guess she gave up on her hand-woven handicrafts/boondoggle key-chains.

Nah, he was just a chump who couldn't be trusted.

[real Brit-fresh from the streets of Sussex]

Hmmm, let's see, best army in the world occupying foreign territory (as a police force, not as a battlefield army) with an installed government seen by many as illegitimate, taking casualties in guerrilla attacks in the home-streets by an insurgency. Where oh where have I seen this before?

It's also possible that fat kids are more likely to want to sit around and watch tv. Because they are fat.

He's got electrons yo.

Character-wise: Questionable.

They did enjoy the look on his face though.

The sandwich is the true star of the show.

Now all this show needs is some Robert Loggia.

Same thing.

First gen of those Commodore floppy drives (the 1541) had come out by then but were garbage with something close to a 60 percent failure rate. They were around, but super expensive and mostly crap.

Indeed. How cool it is to cast Luda and basically make him the Seth Greene character from Italian Job. Him constantly bagging on Gibson is so great.

Lin>Wan and Wan had a major handicap with Walker's death (but give him credit he was able to pull it off).

How cool was Russell in this? You sorta expected some Expendables-level bullshit of just showing up and mugging but his character was great and will definitely be a driver to the plot in subsequent movies. Whoever is guiding the creative direction of these is really doing it well.

Considering what happened with Walker they pulled a rabbit out of the hat on this one. They will go even heavier on the espionage route next one with Russell being the instigator. What makes these things so great is they are tied to absolutely no grounding in reality whatsoever. It's basically "what cool genre flick

And Coronas. Don't forget the Coronas.

She doesn't know that much, just what Phillip looks like. She also bluffed her way through an internal FBI investigation to protect him already. They are balancing the risks with her. Elizabeth is right about giving her a heads up about dead-IT guy and that may come back to bite Philip.