
Didn't see any mention of the Topaz guy calling Harry "Mr. Potato Head."

He has amazing spidey-sense which you could almost see activate as he stared at Paige in that last scene.

The way I see it, 1-2 are a duology that started out as actual movies but became a prequel origin story for the main core cast and should be looked at as one story. 3 is a weird outlier. 4 is basically a reboot and excuse to introduce new characters while reorienting it from the weird detour of 3.

It's Henry, imitating Eddie, who was imitating Fred Rogers. So maybe it was aural black-white-Pittsburgh-face.

He's killing kittens, that's for sure.


Aw. I has a sad.

I think it was dick-butt. Or if not, someone should definitely make a .gif with it being dick-butt.

The theme song reference reminded me that Cooter is still in Congress and still a dope.

Back when my little monster was in the "get food all over the floor" mode I proportionately increased the tip over 20 percent based upon how much actually made it down there.

Best answer yet of the super-villain question.

He was saluting Miscavige.

Ah, ya I could see that happening although they came around my dad's house when he was dying after him not being involved for decades. I have problems with that for different reasons. YMMV.

I'm an ex-mormon that has nothing good to say about that church, but I seriously doubt that it happened that way. They don't really "boot people out" unless you are actively rabble-rousing on policy issues. I haven't stepped foot in a church or paid a dime in 35 years and I'm still considered a member on their rolls

It did. Played at Lincoln Center for a week 3/13-3/19.

It got a limited release. (NY, LA, San Fran, Austin?)

An OSA bot was all over a Variety article's comments yesterday so I'm sure they will be along.

It was a couple of threats actually: 1) being posted to far-flung shithole assignments while STILL being in the church that locked them in a trailer or 2) being kicked out via being "offloaded" in those far-flung sites, i.e. dumped with no money and no contacts.

Heh, that screencap makes them look completely bored of the whole enterprise.

The finger of God!