
That's a bingo.

Thin Blue Line and Murder on a Sunday Morning should be Exhibit A and Exhibit B of any discussion on the criminal justice system and death penalty in this country. Shows what a completely bonkers and flawed system it really is for anyone not of means.

There's a lego version of that using his audio on youtube that is pretty fun to watch.

2 more this season.

So, as a lawyer I usually hate "legal" shows as they just generally bug me with how unrealistic they are. I'm sure other professions often on TV experience the same thing. But even when some of the broader aspects of the stuff this show does related to legal work is a bit off from reality, it's so well done and they

Probably. For some reason I heard "mom" or "ma".

I may have misheard but I think he was talking to his mother, which makes it even better.

They made it marginally more realistic by having some of the invoices be colored so it narrowed down significantly the pieces to be assembled. You can see on the desk that Chuck was working on yellow, green, and red invoices while bags of white shredding were sitting there. Agreed a stretch, but details like that at

Works on contingency? No, money down!

Ozzy's " I Just Want You" has a great key change for the last stanza and final chorus. One of my favorites. Zakk does a great stinger leading into it too.

Once tried to listen to William S. Burrough's Dead City Radio CD while coming down off of acid. It was….not good.

Lawyers aren't required to take stuff to trial. They can always resign unless it would be prejudicial to the client and the court won't let them. The accused has a right to a trial, but not a right to force a firm to take it to trial. They hadn't even been charged yet if memory serves, so bailing at that point would

Looks like the three dozen people watching the show are suitably disdainful.

Seriously. Is Donna Bowman writing these things?

Durst admitted on camera that he wrote the letter and the envelope though.

Just spent the last two hours listening to Chris Joss stuff on Amazon Prime. Thanks Thomas Golubic!

What does that even mean?

Was definitely the most funkadelic heist I've ever seen on TV. I think I want Tune Down to just be the soundtrack of my life as I go about doing things.

Yikes. Damn technology. Got out of the private practice racket a decade ago and haven't looked back.

100 seems a bit low. Was doing them for 500 around the time frame of the show in a comparable market to ABQ.