
Best line was Gish calling Chibbs "Scotty." She is a great addition but probably won't get enough to do.

Humina humina. Boom.

First season was lighting in a bottle and it will suck from here on out.

That was plaster mister!

I thought he might crush that little dog's skull.

I call body double on Mol in the bath. Any shot where you see naked but no face it likely a double.

My viewing "cocktail" was bourbon, in a glass.

Sorry your mom blew up Ricky.

I love Sherman's March. I don't know if it is because I first saw it in 1989 or so when I was a 19 year old dealing with relationship bullshit or not, but it really has a naked honesty about it that really hits me. The funky duality of making a movie ostensibly about the Civil War (and you do actually learn some

Too bad you didn't also fart for an article-appropriate trifecta.


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She's presenting like a mandrill!

Flashback duel in Highlander where drunk McCloud keeps letting the guy stab him over and over again.

That Bridget is a regular baby machine to make a 6 year old, 4 year old and 2 year old, all in four years!

Lighten up Francis.

Lighten up Francis.

"Thin"? You're opinions are bad and you should feel bad.

Oh Archmage, how I (and my inner 13-year old DM-self) love you so.

Ted Levine was fucking incredible this episode despite only being in two scenes. This is his supporting actor Emmy reel. Most of his acting is purely physical. Really, I am in awe of this dude. Go back and watch what he does. A combination of weary, physically-limited, emotionally wrought, yet still bad-ass. I