
Hmmm, contemplating move to China.

Comments on movies must be filtered through robot puppets to have any salience whatsoever.

I re-watched Hot Fuzz this weekend for about the 10th time and picked up on something that I had noticed but never really drilled down on. There is almost no joke or plot point that is not double referenced. This goes well beyond the FASCIST/HAG bit. It's almost like they were trying to pull off the Robocop palindrome

For no reason? There is never NOT a good reason to make a MST3K reference.

"Do his hardiness and ability to rapidly grow his own appendages suggest he’s an ancestor of the kudzu vine?"

Nah, it's a myth like Bigfoot or the clitoris.

I'd love to see Hendricks go bonkers in the jungle.

It stinks!

Sean Bean, who would then promptly die.

Always reminded me of the line in Straight to Hell, which you know Rodriguez had to have seen, of "Are you McMahon or McMice?" I actually thing some of Once is a semi-homage to that movie.

No kidding. Took me a bit to figure out it was a pharamceutical trial.

Aww, I thought this was about the coctail.

Are they any more produced and packaged then Britney Spears or New Kids on the Block? It's part of the music business for better or worse.

I legitimately love Babymetal. Have the physical CD. Its really good stuff. ALL of their videos have the musicians and they shred.


Will likely revolve around finding a cure for Eric. Only reason to make him infected. Newlin will be involved somehow.

There isn't any place for them to stand, so I would guess it was a composite shot.

One of the more fascinating aspects of the weekly Breaking Bad podcasts with the showrunners was how many visual and CGI effects were in that show that they discussed. Lots of subtle stuff that really enhanced how great the show looked/stuff they were able to do.


I doubt Lyle does wet work. I figure Nacht killed the guy because he was annoying and hitting on her.