
Edit: Oops, someone already made that joke.

The A.V. Club

I own Cabin Boy on Laserdisc. My pipes are also cleeeean.

That's a bingo. Discovered it with my then-girlfriend in the mid-90s. Celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary this very day.

He wants both Elizabeth and Phillip. If he kills her he only gets one. He wasn't really "following" them because he wasn't maintaining visual. Look how many times Elizabeth is checking around for tails. He was at a distance relying on the tracker and they ditched it.

Great job Will. This RR may have set a record for exclamation points which seems consistent with Dalton's personality.

He said boring, not zombie.

He works for Dick Jones! OCP runs the cops!

She is more Honored Matre territory.

Heh. Ron's "oh that's my son" was the greatest sitcom introduction of a kid ever.

And a young Erin Gray in spandex!

The 82nd and 101st were pretty successful in taking their objectives in part because of that fact.

There were anti-nazi purges during the retreat out and then counter-purges once the territory was retaken that were pretty brutal.

I noticed the red thing too.

A Bridge Too Far is an excellent book. In fact, all three of Cornelius Ryan's books (Longest Day, Bridge Too Far, The Last Battle) are great.

I have visions of Ornella Muti's spandex clad posterior in my mind most afternoons.

I think people are reading way too much into how a director describes a scene. It's a problem of third party perspective I think. It is "yes and no" in the sense that for a narrative purpose it could be interpreted either way by various parties (Cersei, Jamie, and the viewer). Objectively it is rape but ultimately,

Not even in the same universe. One is talking about the motivations and depictions of fictional characters in a book/tv show. The other was a policymaker justifying why there should be restrictions on what has been determined to be a fundamental constitutional right.

In addition to Oz, was great in Generation Kill .

A hallmark of the Soviet system, going back to Stalin, was people being cycled through being condemned and rehabilitated. As long as you didn't end up dead, if you were useful you could go through "re-education" and come out the other side in a good position. Multiple WWII officers went through this process and it