
Indeed. Challenger disaster was the same situation. A fundamental engineering flaw combined with a bad decision tree.

I thought he was going to toss the keys to some homeless dude.

I see him as more of a Galaga man.


I disagree. Shame manifests that way with kids. I've seen it. They internalize the imagined criticism and seek reassurance. That actually struck me as very perceptive writing.

Canadian Club and ice.

Happens when you land in the wrong place. Worked out though.

Yes. First drops were very successful (second and third were okay too). It was the tank column's failure to press through to relieve them that caused the op to fail.

I have agents?

It's decent in the Lego version too.

There is even a shot on a background monitor of one of the helicarriers going down when Hand is talking about Cap. Very nice synergy actually.

He fucks everything he see, from chimpan-A to chimpan-zee.

Except that Jackie Brown is a great movie.

I know that.

He was in the House at the time this episode takes place. I wonder if they were implying that was his office. Did they ever explicitly say the aide was to a GOP Rep.? He had a bit of a southern twang. I think every office would have had a presidential portrait in it so just because Ronnie was beaming down didn't mean…

Those people can be royal…pains in the ass.

Nope. I love them both.

At what point does Lars disappear up his own asshole?

The Gaad stuff doesn't involve Bruce.

What's wrong with being sexy?