
If Philip is in his mid-40s in the show (which seems about right) then that would indicate his father died in WWII which isn't much of a stretch considering how many Soviet men were KIA.

You are a smart man/woman.

Yup. He is so restrained that even a few choked sobs have so much power.

Probably Bethesda or Arlington.

But will it comport with the orthodoxy of Cosby? Riiiiiight.

That DWW beat out Goodfellas still makes me ice-pick stabby.

Oh man, don't summon him. He is as bad as Derek Smart.

I am singing its praises everywhere I can. It will be interesting where they go with it in its next incarnation. Hard to imagine what this show would be like with out Wooderson and Woody.

Yup, He is macro now what he was in micro last week.


"accompany her on a network-provided dream date (with a network-provided chaperone, naturally)"

How long until Wendy breaks out the Gom Jabbar?

But, Marge, that little guy hasn't done anything yet. Look at him! He's going to do something, and you know it's going to be good.

Loggia's pre-game is just as good:

Will his Merlin wear a merkin?

Its the detectives' stories told through narrative flashbacks so of course she is going to be adjunct to Marty rather than a fully realized character.

It's really a Whore Peninsula.

Blanton's Bourbon has a cool bag too (plus a little horsey on the cork!) and is much better.

He's referring to her character in the movie, hence the "in 'The Stepford Wives'" portion you failed to quote.

Maybe you missed The Three Musketeers.