
Aw man, I missed all the fun!

Excellent comment/username synergy.

I don't think any death metal would work "in context" because the lyrics are generally unintelligible.

Shwartz was implicated and beaten, not Flick. Per the voiceover, to Ralphie it was karmic justice for what Shwartz did to Flick in daring him on the flagpole incident.

Was awesome on multiple levels. The progression of the shot making you think they have finally arrived to work on it, then the reversal, then the realization that this pit is in front of a street repair worker's HOUSE yet isn't fixed. Probably keep it around just to excuse the beer runs.

One of the most accurate portraits of death by cancer that has ever been put to film. Went through this exact progression with my dad 11 years ago and it was spooky how right they got it.

Charles De Mar, yo.

My absolute most favorite bit in not just TS, but any ZAZ movie for reasons I can't exactly quantify. Everything about it is perfect.

Ya, thinking scientists might know a thing or two about what they study their entire lives is one crazy-assed liberal agenda.

We are an ebelskiver family, thank you very much, so no I haven't.

Agreed. They both had major arcs and significant detail (Kima with her relationship growing then dissolving, adoption, IKEA furniture, becoming Nulty; Daniels with his politico wife, etc.).

Should have said he made a great Fake Shemp.

Plus John Goodman!

I vaguely remember at the time a weird dichotomy between "porn" and "raunchy" with the former being verboten but the latter being no big deal. Maybe it was an 80s phenomenon.

If you want to get all egg-head about it, here is a recent Yale Law Journal article about rape by deception:

He's so hot right now.

Here's how it went with MC for me:

Don't overlook your classic hip-hop song "Healthy Foods" complete with Run-DMC hat and chain stylings.

She has does something wrong if she is truly on the lam. She is scheduled to go on trial for the Otto incident. She is on bail. You can't just run away.

Don't mess up a nice whiskey with ice. Drink it like god intended, straight out of the bottle. Just pour it into a glass if you absolutely have to.