
I initially thought that too, but Torrio would have probably recognized the assassin as (if they are sticking with reality) it was one of the guys they were talking about earlier as potential suspects of the machine-gun hit.

He was somewhat fed up with killing people which is why he went back to AC. He was regaining his humanity which is why he hesitated. So his humanity cost him his life.

The serial killer?

It certainly had the bong rattling bass of Mel Schacher and the competent drum work of Don Brewer.


Hard to believe that was 14 freaking years ago.

He flies like a moron!

I think it was his obsession to make the feature that got everyone pissed off at one point or another. He also managed to wrangle himself control over Best Brains, Inc. and therefore became "the man" to some degree.

Love 'em both!

From what I can tell they like each other fine. It's more the fans that are divided. I just figured since he was hosting he would focus on his own stuff. Glad to hear he isn't.

I think on some level analyzing/reviewing that type of show is counterproductive. It would be fun to reminisce and quote funny lines (as the comments here clearly show) but beyond that I'm not sure what would be gained.

Kalgan, blow me away!

First time I ever saw MST3K was on a thanksgiving because I was out of town (cable system in my area didn't carry the comedy channel), so they are inexorably linked forever.

First time I ever saw MST3K was on a thanksgiving because I was out of town (cable system in my area didn't carry the comedy channel), so they are inexorably linked forever.

Larry Csonka?

That's good to hear. There are some real gems in the later years in my opinion.

I like the cut of your jib.

I think it's obvious which one I would like to see, although it is a Mike episode so likely won't make it.

And didn't Gillian kill the kid (instead of Jimmy being just "missing") in order to get title to the house? Maybe Sideburns is making a play for the property.

You call your girlfriend "Dude"?