
11 seasons wow :o  I’m surprised the show lasted that long. I stop watching around season 1 episode 3.   The show just haven’t been the same ever since.  ttb

Boy, ford really is serious about competing with the wrangler. I didn’t think they would be able to match the experience completely like this, but they’ve nailed it.

Never buy a car in its first model year!

This seems like an unsubstantiated claim. You may be right, but how can I be sure without any evidence?

“Some women do this” or “it does happen” is observational and generally not horrible, except that the people who do tend to say it are implying that the “some” is actually “most” or “all.” The tweet is an implication that “all women do this.” Which is sexist as fuck.

Now I consider myself a progressive but there are lots of women streamers that are not helping the cause by dressing certain ways.

Fine. Take your star.

tee hee

Anyone who finds this relationship controversial can go fuck themselves

there are lots of women streamers that are not helping the cause by dressing certain ways

“Is the “joke” itself sexist? Is it bad to find humor in the various quirks of human nature?”

The tweet is in bad taste because it perpetuates a specific stereotype that generates a lot of hostility towards women in gaming specifically. Women in streaming already get accused of using their bodies to “steal” attention and streaming revenue away from male gamers, and they get a lot of abuse directed at them

A base Bronco with Sasquatch is mid/upper $30,000s and even without all the fanciness like disconnecting sway bars it will still be massively capable for what people are going to do with their brand new vehicle. 

Only available on the Rubicon?  Man, I’m starting to think the Bronco is going to eat the Wrangler’s lunch when it comes to A) people shopping for looks (big tires on a budget) and/or B) Serious off roaders that aren’t rich.

John Cena = money. Is what I'm guessing the idea behind it is. 

Anyone still doing both bright and pastel yellow? Them.

He absolutely talks over people. He talks over people and misrepresents their argument. If they don’t give him enough straw to make a straw man, he makes one himself. That’s his “debating” strategy, and is what makes him a “good debater,” he just puts on a show of talking a lot to fluster his opponents, which covers

No, but that’s the narrative of the alt right echo chamber every time he is thoroughly and trivially dismantled by his betters. Shapiro is a shallow thinker that serves red meat to idiots who are incapable of forming fact based conclusions.

Nelly became a right-wing pundit so slowly I almost didn’t notice it.