My fiancé grew up in a food desert so her Mom didn’t have access to an the variety of veggies she can get now. Since her Mom never made something my fiancé didn’t try it as she didn’t know what to do with it.
My fiancé grew up in a food desert so her Mom didn’t have access to an the variety of veggies she can get now. Since her Mom never made something my fiancé didn’t try it as she didn’t know what to do with it.
You need to read what you sign.
This will need to be re-visited in about a month when they aren’t trying as hard and the chicken sits for 300% of it’s hold time in the warmer. This first taste is akin to going to a new love interest’s apartment for the first time. Everything is nice and clean. The 2nd visit is like the unannounced drop by on a…
If you are “cooking” anything in your microwave other that packed goods with microwave instructions, you are doing it wrong. Heating up left-overs isn’t cooking them.
I am going to make donuts. I got a fresh box of ammo for the boom boom.
I just realized this question naturally leads to “Is a hot dog a taco?”
Is a taco a sandwich?
Sad attempt at humor.
Oh I have been to many a pig roast, just never got to fry up the tail or play soccer with the bladder.
big pig that is. I need a nap
When I was a kid I also wanted to go to a farm when they slaughtered a big so I could try fried pig tail on a stick and make a balloon out of the pigs bladder.
isnt that a McChicken?
I am the only one that read the Laura Ingles Wilder books as a kid? They used to make a carmelish candy using snow and maple syrup during the sugaring season. I have had it (or something akin to it) once many years ago at an ex’s house where her parents tapped maple trees. I always wondered why it wasnt more widely…
Maybe it’s related to this?
During my college years in Wisconsin, the trunk of my car was often an extension of the freezer that we referred to as the Buick-erator.
Do they still give people who are having chemo treatments odd flavors of ice cream? The thought is to get the patient to associate the nausea with the ice cream and not the treatment. They did this with my Aunt back in the 80's so maybe it’s not used today.
Fried food at BK, unless fresh from the fryer is usually very sad. I like their fish sandwiches but will only order them when I have the 10 minutes to wait for fresh.
Why do I think Willie would love this woman?
This sounds like something I would like someone else to make for me!
I am amazed Dunkin isnt in financial peril with COVID. It was common practice for outside sales people to stop into a business with a dozen donuts. I can’t imaging this isnt the case at other places.