You should have a youtube channel or whatever the kids are doing these days to broadcast themselves and then parlay that into a food network or PBS gig.
You should have a youtube channel or whatever the kids are doing these days to broadcast themselves and then parlay that into a food network or PBS gig.
From mu Understanding JJ’s used to be a more limited franchise do to an agreement when a partnership split up. It used to be that you either had JJ’s or Big Mike’s Super Subs, but never both. This would be an interesting story, and when I say interesting, I mean probably only to me.
So is this your paying gig or a hobby?
Thank you. Shows you how much anchovy buying a do.
Any prescription on the brand of capers?
ALDI didn’t have scanners for a long time. This was when they were not widespread as they are now. The check out people used to get paid very well compared to their scanning counterparts.
Its interesting how COVID is making things come full circle. My Grandma used to go in the store with her mom and hand the clerk a list that he gathered and they picked up later or had delivered to their door.
This is making me sad for the Compact Turkey Dinner (I think that’s what it was called) that used to be offered by the Komet Cafe in Milwaukee. It was a similar idea but I am sure executed much better that Perdue’s nuggets. Sadly they were one of the casualties of COVID.
We would make something very similar to this when I was a boy scout. No Whiskey, of course. This is Wisconsin so we used brandy.
Well I dont think it was the real Hamburglar so I dont think he understood the nuances of the part.
Fried Pork rinds
Um I have heard pea-con where I grew up.
I have heard that old McDonalds playland equipment and decorations, like UPS trucks, cannot be legally owned by a non-McDonalds person/company. Has anyone else ever heard this?
I remember when the McDonalds opened in my hometown and I went to the grand opening. Ronald was there of course along with the Hamburglar who ran up to me and enveloped me with his cape and said “rabble rabble” and ran off.
Judging from the staff at the McDonalds I worked at in college, the owner there was also a fan of DDD’s.
“Deodorant cage?” Well that must be some “strong stuff!” HAHAHAHAHA......
Chasing cheese down a hill is the end of a successful night out here in Wisconsin.
1) Was Paul more tolerable because Mary kept him in check in past seasons?