That much sodium can’t be good.
That much sodium can’t be good.
So how is this done? I imagine a side of venison in the cask while it ages? IF this is the case you can keep the whisky and I will take the alcohol preserved meat.
IF you want Camu Camu berries to be more widely available start and internet rumor that they help old white guys get erections.
I am more inclined to be the mad-man that puts cheese IN these things like maybe a curd at the center or some grated jack to get something akin to a Bristol Ren Faire cheese fritter.
The Wisconsin in me says these need cheese in the mix.
One of the best things I have ever done is make a completely homemade (no canned soup) green bean casserole with mushrooms and bacon. Everyone loved it and I get asked to make this every holiday now. It is so simple but for the béchamel impaired it seems very impressive.
I read this and all I can hear is Daryl Hannah saying “I want to make something that freezes beautifully.”
Did you drink the cream of mushroom without dilution?
Didn’t Granny pickle these for Jed, Ellie and Jethro?
I am surprised the raccoon made it out. In northern Wisconsin that guy could have ended up on the menu.
I worked at MCD’s in the late 80s and I remember making these on the flat top. They would squeal when we seared them, it was a little un-nerving. The best McRib was the one that had been sitting in the hot bath of BBQ sauce way beyond the specified hold times. I would always try to make one extra when I closed.
1) We joke that Apple Holler is where people from Chicago go to be tourists and overpay but don’t want to drive all the way to the Dells.
I went to a Bucks for the first time in years because I had a gift card. It wasn’t that good and was over-priced. Made me miss my days in Madison WI with all the small coffee houses that had their own roasts and were doing gluten free, fair-trade and soy milk before the rest of the world knew what it was. I would love…
So if you fed this to cows would it be cheese food?
Or maybe you are one of the Alien invaders who was sent ahead to release a virus so the humans get all lazy and then you are fattening them up with baked goods?? I see you!
As a Wisconsinite I am amused that you refer to dairy in reference to cream of mushroom and Velveeta, two products that I am sure the closest they got to being a dairy product is passing a cow while in the delivery truck.
When I was a kid there was a woman on my paper route (yep I’m that old) that made a biscotti like cookie that she called a “mundelstringer.” I have no idea of the real spelling. The dough was just dropped in a big pile on a cookie sheet and right when they come out of the oven she used a pizza cutter to divide the…
With Oscar Mayer’s vast catalog of sandwich related products I am surprised either took any position at all.
Yeah, that was a very subtle attempt at humor that 3 people (now 4!) got.
This reminded me a of documentary that is very interesting (and disturbing) about a very odd guy who if I remember right drinks 7 pots and day and smokes 5 packs.