
But they are made with real milk!

I have a base beer batter that with a few seasoning tweaks can be used to coat anything you want to fry. Maybe that can be a new feature here “Will if Beer Batter?”

“catered tailgate” is an oxymoron. This is a restaurant serving food on site and not tailgating.  

Isn’t that a weed grinder?

After I got divorced and got my new apartment I went and bought some Spam and made some spam and eggs because that’s what divorced guys eat. I couldn’t make it past three bites, even with toast and eggs. 

You know what we call that here in Wisco? Monday. 

Hopefully not while in the joint. 

After reading your weekend recipe all I can think of is Paul Sorvino cutting garlic with a razor blade. “How many onions did you put in the sauce?”

This is why most Presidents have a cabinet that they listen to. 

I have been doing this for free for decades! ‘86, Mcdonalds hot mustard and sweet and sour mixed? That was me. You’re welcome.

I worked at the big Oscar Mayer plant in Madison, WI in the late 90's. They had a USDA inspector there 24/7. Management lived in fear of them because they could shut down a production line or hold shipment of product instantly. I have worked in 5 restaurants in my life (chain and mom and pop) and that plant was

Superdawg is a 5th tier place that only exists to free rubes from their money. 

I couldn’t make it through 3 episodes of Fleabag it is so god awful. 

Doesn’t Zapps have a spicy chip?

Because that will help you get more people to your way of thinking. These events are so much mental masturbation I can’t stand it. 

What is Meghan’s claim to fame other than her Father?

Apple season is sad this year around where I live. Many orchards will not be doing any pick your own and have very little in whole fruit. They will manily have cider. 

I have always thought the writers on this site where high-schoolers then I read about snitching and I realizes it’s a middle school level. What’s next? Cooties?

I think its a mid-west thing. My current company has this spelled out in the work conduct rulesNo headphones.” We are expected to hear our phone ring.

I am enjoying the contrast on how this is handled around where I am in smaller towns: