This is Carson playing to Trumps base that believes Trans people are mentally ill.
This is Carson playing to Trumps base that believes Trans people are mentally ill.
The ownership is just asking for a lawsuit on this.
I visit many offices and I have seen one person with ear buds on. In the real world (outside of WeWork) there are rules about this.
I have a chef friend who says chain places are like porn, as long as they accomplish what they are trying to do, everything is good.
I am curious your thoughts on how that would be written?
Badass bagger bags bag burglar.
Vote with your dollars folks.
Add a thin slice of good sharp cheddar.
This screams a big reminder of the cold war era hysteria.
I think it’s interesting that people get worked up about articles like this when this is not something the average American would read or could comprehend. Lets all squabble while the Don is getting people to chug his Trump brand snake oil.
I should add non-donating to that.
And the number of politicians who really cared what a non-voting person had to say: zilch
I remember a huge number of strip clubs just over the border. I don’t know if this is the entire border or just Wisconsin.
It’s a Hot Pocket!
Celery soda anyone? Hot cocoa? Maybe this needs to be broken up into two lists, cold and hot beverages.
Adam, it’s people like you that make us offer cheese, fireworks and porn in the first few miles of highway coming north into the state. Thank you!
You should add that some Walmarts and Sams Clubs have no overnight parking posted. Usually around tourist areas.
This bickering over language is busy work the right doesn’t have to deal with.
I hope they make lots of these shirts and everyone votes with their money and doesn’t buy them.
I forgot about boiling brats and onions in beer.