
That’s a good idea. I make my own brat patty and refrigerator kraut to go with this. If I was going to audition for Master Chef this would be my meal.

I make a Wisconsin risotto made with beer and sharp cheddar that is pretty tasty. Thought I am working on what beer is the best to use. 

You can get it a Chick-Fil-A. This is also like playing wheel of ice because (at least where I live) if they don’t have the ices bags, they will just give you four large cups filled with ice for free. I only pay for my ice 50% of the time. 

Well then their research was probably not done in Wisconsin. 

Well in Wisconsin I don’t think binge drinking is restricted by economic class. When I was in high school on Friday you either worked, hung out in the McDonald’s parking lot or drank at someones house or in a corn field. Sometimes there were parents who let parties go on in their barn but didn’t let anyone leave until

Well as long as they paid I don’t think the owners will care. Maybe the hotdog vendors. Can you take protest signs to any other professional sport? 

In the past(2010 to 2012) I had to travel to Detroit for work. I dont know if it was the route we took from the Airport but everything I saw looked like a 2nd world country that just had a flood or earthquake. This being akin, in my mind, to going into a persons house and finding a filthy living room and just

Make everything require a signature for delivery.

Are polite. direct questions to the owner or manager out of style?

So those little stringy bits they add to things is supposed to be cheese? Maybe being an ex-smoker has killed my palate but there is no cheddar taste to the “cheese” they put on their items.

Off topic: Is take out just you and, Allison and Kate now? Is Kevin off in a corner looking pretty or something? 

Isn’t this car an excellent base for a couple dozen kit cars?

You are a brave person to write this. Raise the drawbridge, I can see people with pitchforks and torches on the horizon. 

Maybe they are digging at FKC? I mean that all a chicken little is, a strip on a bun. 

OK this is obviously a joke like the support chicken box they used for meals in an Ohio (I think) airport.  However, if that box is real, I am going to call this whole shortage thing as predicted and planned. I work in packaging and getting a new box together takes time to execute.

From the comments it looks like Lyft and Uber are rounding people up at gun point again and forcing them to work. Almost as bad as Amazon. 

I bet he is short selling. 

Athletes are so classy and so aware of who ultimately pays their salaries. 

Gnocchi please.