
I use my favorite cheddar fondue as my sauce and it works pretty well.

OK, of course, I have a story. Sorry but this is how my address on Autism lane works, lol.

I eat in order of components of a meal losing their maximum appeal first. Burger and Fries? Fries first. Steak, baked potato and broccoli? Broccoli first because as I learned as a child, veggies taste better hot. 

Here here on the swiss roll! A hoho is just a waxy chocolate impostor.

Bring back the holding bin. 

A friends son is looking for new work to replace his job as a manager at Wendy’s. He said he couldn’t say why he wanted to leave but now I understand. 

I freeze my apple slices, grapes,  and strawberries. I used to live with a guy who took the big marshmallows, cut a slit in them to insert a chunk of strawberry then freeze. 

So, a second pint of Guinness?

He should come to Wisconsin, we tailgate everything. I have been to tailgating at a wedding and a funeral. 

Maybe it’s the abundance of good local pizza places where I live, but unless there is a mailer with a coupon for a free pizza (which it seems they do every other month) the local Blaze is empty as a K-Mart.

While we are over hear arguing about this kind of crap Trump is selling more snake oil. 

I live next to a house full of them


Algebra (I think) time:

No, Wisconsin and it wasn’t the same tavern all that time, just someone in my family had a tavern open during that period in my home town. Sometimes there was some overlap. For a few years my Mom and Dad owned a place at the same time as my Aunt and Uncle.

Is there a standard spec for what makes a tire low profile?

Someone in my family has owned a tavern in my home from 1936 until my Aunt sold out in 2014. The regular system at the family places was the house would buy the 4th or 5th drink and if it was know you were the DD you got free soda. I thought this was standard universally and when I went away to college I was amazed

Wow, going to add this to your resume for that tabloid job? There is a very good chance that the kids hates his father just as much as most people here. He just keeps his trap shut for the money. Why bother with this?

Madison is like Berkeley with snow.  

I lived in Madison WI which at the time had the highest number of restaurants per capita in the USA.