
What industry isnt optimized? 

The average American is dumber than a carrot. I have done all sorts of work with them, fast food, factory, service and general office and in each environment if you can read well you are getting promoted.

I have a theater degree and that in itself is hilarious. Lighten up Francis.

I have never understood taking kids to Vegas. It’s like taking a stripper to Disney World.

That Vegan twist is worthy of M. Night Shymalan.

Take out the scallions and ginger and this is how I make chicken breast for my elderly little dog. That picture on the top of the article looks like dinner at the Hannibal Lecter cafe. 

Your edit destroyed my image of kids slapping leather in the halls.

Since I have seen elections where dead people were left off ballots and still got elected, I bet she still has a chance. Then she can claim will of the people.

Waiting on the settlement check from the Lays for all of the heart disease. 

Waiting on news of the chicken sandwich inspired shootings.

Only Lunch? What are you in California? 

I used to go to a cafe in Madison called Mother Fool’s that had the best Vegan Banana chocolate muffins. I remember the first time I read the little card next to them it listed they were vegan and bullet pointed no honey. I asked what was wrong with honey and the barista said honey exploited the bee’s labor. OK,

Can we go back to the funny, pithy names for these products? WE could call this one Fegg. Thought nothing is as funny as the fake haw I used to see at the co-op called Wham!

It is classic Americana. People taking piles of chicken, just eating the skins and throwing away the meat. Put cheese on it and it would be super Wisconsin. 

Thank you. I grew up in a place that during dear hunting season the high school I attended had a gun check system run by the VICA club as a fund raiser. So if you wanted to go out and hunt before school started you could bring you rifle and not leave it in your truck (which was against the rules) you could check the

The only location by me is a buffet location so it’s even more frustrating! 

I can see their idea lab was hard at work trying to come up with novel ways to make their service even slower. 

Yes repeated use of the same word at the end of verses to create rhymes puts Emily Dickinson to shame. 

Did the combo store have the bell??

I used to work at a chain seafood place in the kitchen and even thought it was against the rules, we would munch on the overcooks after the big rush had settled down. This led to requests to from me to overcook about a dozen fried shrimp to which I would reply they should overcook me a piece of salmon.