
Nothing like a bunch of buys on the spectrum having a fight(I live on that spectrum so I have been there.) I think there is a good deal of sour grapes and regret mixed in here. Add in Gygax was an ass and Kuntz is a nutter and it becomes one big mess.

But it’s still a GM product. Get the roadside assistance. 

His affiliation with her makes him look like a dottering old fool. Its like he did no due diligence to see who she was. If he makes bad decisions like this now, how can I trust him as president? Maybe he will realize who she is after she drugs his prune juice and rolls him. 

Wow, an openly gay fashion designer, how edgy. 

I knew a guy who bought a Bertone at a police auction for next to nothing. It was some special limited edition to celebrate the king of swedens birthday. The interior was completely leather including the headliner. The coolest thing about it was the bullet hole in the rear fender.

I have great success on the grill with a spatchcocked chicken under a foil covered brick. 

Bet she gets re-elected. 

So does this scratch any legit bets made on the game?

Where I am at you would need to be a home owner to use this service. Cant work on your car on the street, not private lot will let you do this and the apartment complex lots wouldnt let you either. 

With the new ownership there have been cutbacks. Only one google search a day. 

I think the reason to list Grindr but not Tinder is I am sure there are many more people who have never heard of Grindr. 

Isn’t that Houston logo to close to the old Oilers?

I thought this was going to be like something they had where I went to School called Smut and Eggs. It was brunch with porn. Ewww.

This sounds like it would go over in the Midwest like a ham at a bris.

Hey John, recent news seems to indicate you forgot to include the frog.

I had an ex who worked in the wholesale floral business. Lot’s of travelers in those boxes. 

I think you just can’t bring your own jar

Yes and yes you can still buy a jar to take home. 

So they got a free frog? Where is my free frog?

I don’t know who I would give this to. Who do I know who deserves a cup of crap coffee and diarrhea? Do I still have my ex-wife’s address?