How about, if you don’t like them don’t buy them?
How about, if you don’t like them don’t buy them?
This kind of thing is why I support kid free restaurants or kid free nights.
Do I sense a Astrophysics PHD burnout? Or maybe you needed a filler article so you can get cocktails this weekend? If Cardi B or AOC made this comment you would use it as proof of their genius.
Please ask the driver if they want a cash tip. My friend does delivery in Milwaukee and since she has no control over where she may deliver next she carries no cash for safety’s sake.
If you have some time, here is an interesting activity. Go back and look at liberal and alternative publications back when Nixon and Reagan were in office. The topics of conversation and ideas (particularly during Reagan’s time) are strikingly similar. I don’t know how to solve the problem but the general themes still…
Maybe someone just made their last payment and got it out of lay-away? Waits, that’s Boston.
So I had one and thought it was pretty good. The Cheeto sauce application was a bit haphazard but nothing I couldn’t deal with. Went to order one yesterday and was informed they were sold out and didn’t expect to be getting anymore in. It was like Keyser Soze.
Are The Root and Trump in agreement on something? WTF
The lack of cool ranch doritos at the small store near the dorm I stayed in in London and the major tantrum it caused in a fellow American student taught me why American’s have such poor reputations as visitors abroad.
Thank you! I can never resist the chance to tell a good lunch meat related story.
1) The original Secret Wars was a thinly veiled cross book promotion and not a very interesting or creative story. The art was great and it was a good way to get people to read other books. It is not movie or multiple movie material. Maybe a video game?
So back in the 90's Ilived in Madison WI and worked for Oscar Mayer. Back then the Badger football team was always horrible so you really didnt go to watch the games. In the student section people brought in bags of large marshmallows and would just throw them at each other. I decided to up the weaponry for a game…
You dont really mention the fine line between being a witness and obstructing an office doing their duty. Use common sense on how much distance you keep and when you ask for names and badge numbers.
Yeah but I want to continue to be lazy
Problem is professional sports of all types are guided by money. Thats why they exist. Average about 1500 fans a game? They are probably netting hundreds of dollars a year!
Can I give you my address and UPS number? I will help you with that skin disposal.
The thighs were my little value secret (since the wings got all jacked up) and now I have lost them too!
I hope that you aren’t surprised that people who go to a Trump rally would be like this.
I don’t mind dealing with the silk. My grandfather taught me the easier the silk comes off the fresher the corn.