
Agreed, this sounds as good as a milk and Pepsi. 

I used to work for Oscar Mayer while I got my degree and getting the gig to be a “Hot Dogger” had fierce competition. I would have tried but I could never get myself excited enough about processed meat products to encourage their consumption to kids, I look like crap in orange and yellow and at the time the

I can’t speak for other places but a major source of advertising to the 70+ crowd around hear are the place mats at the greek diners. Since printing now is so much quicker and easier than it was, couldn’t these ads be more timely and dynamic? I think I am on to something here. Forget I said anything. I need to get to

Agreed. Back in the 80's when the biscuits first started they were great. We had an elderly lady who came into our local McDonalds to make them. We also had some solid Danishes that you could get heated up (via steam, no microwaves yet)

I think it is not that complex: People don’t want to get sued. 

The average American is racist

Portland? That says a great deal.

Wait, people go to Blaze and pay for the pizza there? The one where I am at looks like a slow day at Sears until they send out coupons for a free pizza then it looks like an average day at K-Mart.

I always loved when he got a Turkey leg award from Madden at Thanksgiving. What did Barry talk about? The team and how what he did was a team effort. No one has that class in professional sports anymore. 

The opinion of a prostitute with a huge ego that cons and robs people. Don’t we hear from Trump enough?

Benefits for employees are an expense of doing business. I don’t need you to point it out. The only way this makes any sense is if this somehow changes something tax wise for the owner.

Yep that’s about it. I did a great deal of factory work and did the McDonalds thing before I decided I needed to go to college. Best to work for a small privately owned company where the owner can see you are human. Those have been the best places to work no matter what the job is. 

Wow this sounds like manual labor. It’s the same as farming or the factory. You are on the clock you are moving. 


Keep shuffling Mike. This gravy train isn’t going to run forever. 

I bet this originally came from their Legal department who is actively monitoring search results so they can find people they feel need a cease and desist letter. 

Wow, I don’t know where to start here: Pot meet Kettle? Here are some stones for those other greenhouses? You have some stones to write this. 

I think Ryan is part Lego person and things like that hat and his hair just snap on. 

I will believe to my dying day that the Republicans thought that Trump would last maybe a year and then it would be a Pence/Ryan White House. When that didn’t happen Ryan left. 

There is actually a very solid Asian student population so the closer you get to the UW campus the better the food gets. This being said if you see sushi in small town Wisconsin best to stick with the cheese tempura or bratwurst roll.