I ate at this place once and I really think the fire is the work of the divine trying to close this place down and protect our souls.
I ate at this place once and I really think the fire is the work of the divine trying to close this place down and protect our souls.
I wish we could go back to the clever names of the 90's for meatless options. I used to go to the CO-OP near my home in Madison and look for the best one like tofurkey or my favorite, the ham analog, WHAM! (without ham)
It appears that more and more municipalities are making it a violation of your license to drink while working. I think that’s a great idea.
I am sure this is against his contract.
The Popeye’s around where I live are in lousy crap areas so they do two things:
OK everyone, what logical fallacy is AOC throwing at us here?
Maybe at $4000
How about trim the menu down and have a monthly special sandwich? I could really use a cheddar melt.
Maybe if McDonalds was a clean place, with friendly, efficient employees and a smoothly flowing drive through people might go back.
You do realize we only hear about these things because they are the wrong decision? Flight attendants make thousands of correct choices everyday.
You missed the point there kiddo.
Being aware of someone who seems too perfect and doesnt talk about their likes and interests and just parrots your own may have a narcissistic personality disorder. I married someone like this.
Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There’s a frood who really knows where his towel is.” (Sass: know, be aware of, meet, have sex with; hoopy: really together guy; frood: really amazingly together guy.)
There was one by me that closed a month after I first tried it and realized I enjoyed the food. Since then the building is cursed with restaurants opening and closing just as fast. Last one was a poppa johns
Well if you are the average American voter, you are pretty dumb.
I bet this has the same medicinal qualities as bowl of Colon-Blow.
I am saying I am related to someone who worked with him for years. I am suggesting before you build a temple to him to speak with people he worked with directly.
Remember when athletes had class and humility?
I think you should seek out some people who worked directly with Bourdain. You would be surprised.
Is everyone assuming that the letter writer is left leaning? I don’t see that they identify themselves one way or the other.