Gives a new meaning to ‘tailgating’.
Yes, you’re insane in the membrane.
Def a couple of ‘I shoulda worked harder buttons’ in this picture.
Oh look her air bags are deployed! Ok ok I’ll see myself out.
I had an ‘89 Chevy 1500 in the mid ‘90's and I sooo wanted to get these.
It’s a bait and switch car. Go in to see the celica, Oh we just sold it. Here is a convertible Pontiac sunfire!
Disney has thrown, what was thought of as, canon to the dogs and is taking the story where they want.
If the vans a rockin, Don’t go a knockin
have a star. I lol’d at my desk.
“Shutters” this brightens a rainy saturday.
gig gity
What about using the “good” parts of project swiss cheese to fix the red one. Then demo swiss cheese and save the alero as your dependable daily?
Meow! something, something, I like something, something referencing another name for cats, something TOO!