
I am afraid to star this as the pedo police might come after me.

Spooge stains on the driver’s seat = CP!

can’t sue if they are dead


I am just going to leave this here

the want is high but my Spidie sense is tingling “Fraud Alert!” 

Reverse. GM killed Pontiac and I moved on to non GM cars and trucks.

Have a star you savage

He smurffed all over this smurffing car.

with or without siri? and no hands free device

can’t give you enough stars

I would be in on this car, $7700, convertible, over engineered german car. But then the ad says this guy bought it 1 year ago and is now selling = CP.

i would. It will end bad, but I still would

10/10 would pick up, even though I know I will end up in some kind of horror movie death scene.

10/10 would run over

Just get a sunroof installed.

I had a ‘96 SE. Red with grey cloth interior and front buckets. It is the best car I’ve ever owned. I used to travel around the midwest for work when I owned it. It would just eat up those highway miles. God I miss this car.

You don’t buy a convertible to drive with the top up.

this was my first thought