
Not everyone wants to deal with the building their own consoles.

Definitely go to class if you think you’ll miss out on something important. Remember, you’re paying to be there. Unless you’re on some kinda scholarship. In which case, congratulations!

Go away.

Trump has officially made conflicts of interest a non-issue.

This is amazing. Lol. But you know, Nioh hasn’t given me any framerate issues.

I’m gonna say that the solo wolverine movies are in their own universe. Fox is never going to give up x-men. Which means they will continue making them! We will probably see 2 or 3 more McAvoy movies before he leaves and they reboot.

So weird. I never had lag in this game. I got it when taken king came out and pvp and raids were smooth.

Not hard to do. I cannot stand to listen to him any longer. I skipped it entirely.

Any shots of giant monkey balls? Those always seem to be left out.

I always did like this movie. It’s fun.

Yay Tearaway! Been wanting to get this.

I’m a grey! And I’m not like that! So you’re just racist!


Thanks Fox for squandering our God damn professor.

Controllers are far too expensive to be throwing around.

Souls games are fantastic. Not even that hard I’d you don’t want them to be. I’ve beaten them all and not 1 controller thrown.

Probably thinking of The Abyss.

But Armageddon is not good.

YouTube drama!

Looks like a good read! Congratulations on finishing!