
Looks great but that text on that page needs some darkening up. Gd.


I’d it bothers these dudes so much, all they have to do is change their fantasies to include them being the cause of Tracer switching sides and loving the D.

Widowmaker killed her out if jealousy! This is a flashback. And is the reason Tracer hates her so much.

Ahhh, lazy Saturday. Not like that fake Saturday that almost got me fired.

So where are the test questions?



Welcome to the joke.

Honestly I didn’t even realize old dude was a CG. I thought it was an impersonator with makeup. Leia did look a lot more fake but still well done. I thought she might be an impersonator or CG. They friggin got me with Tarkin.

If you support Trump, you support white supremacists like this idiot.

The reason for changing it may be up for interpretation. But her “I rebel” line was not even in the movie so it was not just a recut.

I wish I could star Luke’s wave.gif.

Lookit the doggyyyyyy!

Shut up! This movie rules!

Just gonna have to clockwork orange your ass into playing suikoden 2.

Kotaku did not set this up.


If you sent me homemade cookies I would throw them in the trash.

I’ve never heard of these lesbians. Sounds fantastic.

This hurts my non-existent soul.