We are eating doritos now. Keep up.
We are eating doritos now. Keep up.
I’ve been a grass man every time. This time I told myself, I’m gonna do something different. Maybe I’ll go fire. Fire cat is cool right? But then they made the grass a gd owl. Owl is so fkn cute! Oh well.
Just wanted to say that there will be blood is soooooooooo gd boring.
Star for Beavis fisting the keyboard.
His voice is kinda funny imo.
It’s called “Biohazard 7: Resident Evil” in Japan.
I’ll be sure and raise my opinion of each to cancel out your resentment.
Haha you paid to see Kanye.
I memba! Ooooohhh, memba duck huuuunt? You had to use that guuuuun.
The characters are kids so they definitely do some childish things but the show is not really a kids show. Kid friendly for sure, but they have to deal with a lot of mature issues. Just adding my voice as someone who loves both Korra and last Airbender, definitely watch it.
Omg yes Iroh is the best. I loved how they had his escape off camera to let our imaginations go wild. Just a big smoldering hole and an empty cell.
Like other dude kinda said, the guru wasn’t saying aang and her could not be together. He only said that aang needs to not be afraid of losing her. He had to let her go in his mind and realize that she COULD die. He had to accept losing her to let go of his fear. Hitting a rock and reopening the path was the odd part,…
Zuko didn’t murder a beloved character so I’m gonna have a hard time with any redemption for Kylo.
Korra’s recap was OK... Until it hit the last part where Varik started giving his own version of past events, making it one of my favorite episodes of both series. Maybe not as good as the play, but still fantastic and hilarious. And gd I think it’s time for another watch of Avatar. Gd you Internet randoms and Kotaku…
Aw! I’d say give it another shot when you’ve got nothing better to do. When you aren’t fresh off Airbender. There are some awesome characters and I’ve always liked having a different villain each season.
I did not read any of this article. But I agree with all of it.
What does it waaaaaaant?
Maybe it’s just cuz I woke up and haven’t had breakfast but that food all looks amazing to me right now. Especially the old pizza.
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