You had to kick nuts too. Don’t forget the nuts! I’m loving the WQ, because it’s so obviously the HS and HotS style of daily where I can skip a few days without falling behind on my factions. And for the hardcore, man I miss college, they can sit around and do WQ all day.
Man. When did they add it? I played up to PoP and never heard of it. Maybe I was too goody two shoes.
I don't think they ever had a jail, or at least didnt when I was playing, but I loved how EQ GMs would show up in game. Much cooler than on WoW. They had characters and would interact. One GM came after I put in a ticket for the muglwump bugging out. She did not believe there was a giant froglok tad in them game and…
Go to jail! Go directly to jail! Do not pass go! Do not collect loot!
Weird. I thought that game was scheduled for a March 2017 release the whole time. Oh well. Guess there's nothing to see here! Move along folks.
Combat is turn based so not like KH at all in that regard, just in case you didn’t know. I know a lot of people are turned off by it.
What NO my little pony should do? Or what EVERY my little pony should do?
Durango. What an awful name.
Hahaha I’m just imagining all the player controlled Normans running all over the place with their wieners flopping around.
Took me a minute. And I don't play Overwatch so I don't know if it's a character even from the game. But the image is of some female, most likely, legs and a dragon tail. She's upside down and her legs are tied with some golden rope, crossed at the calves with some spikey boots. Hope this helps!
Nah, definitely Team America. I figured not, since, musical and not even a blockbuster movie. I didn't even know transformers had a similarly named song. Fuckin transformers.
“America! Fuck yeah!”
Now, Metal Gear Solid, there's an amazing theme that I'll never forget.
Wonder Woman and her theme are the best parts of that movie so I think you can safely skip it. We can just hope the WW movie is good!
Have a star! We don’t need them!
It's 9/11, times a thousand!
Delay to 2017 incoming.
Perfect place to post a dream I had cuz it woke me up last night. I was the camera man, I think, of some reality show where a couple was sitting on a log and talking to a woman interviewer. Everyone was laughing about something when a giant creature charged out of the woods and destroyed everyone and everything. I…