
I was under the impression that it was only funny because of how mad the zoo people got. Cuz they had to kill an animal that they wouldn’t have had to kill if we didn’t have zoos. And people were making fun of it.

The mage hall is amazing. It confirms that mages are the best. I friggin love that npcs are calling me archmage now also. Need title please. This expansion is officially the saddest gd thing BTW. They are murdering off everyone. Seems all the big quest lines are ending with some epic death of someone I love. A guild

Yeah! And now that it has been delayed, I don't have to choose between Luke Cage and FFXV. =D

After starting in stormheim, I was shown this little gem:

I remember Breath of Fire 3 being one where escaping always seemed difficult. The screen pans away and then shoots back to the battle and I'm like OK fuck you then.

Mario and Luigi battles are exceptionally entertaining for a turn based RPG. So I can understand why even casual players wouldn't need or care to flee. And the battles aren't random. I rarely use it in any RPG, but infinitely less likely to use it in one where I can already run by a lot of enemies if I want to.

I just wanna say that a looping gif with sound is STILL funny and exciting.

This is me. I was watching all the hype and being like, no way is this game everything these people think it is. Nothing I’ve seen leads me to believe it is worth 60 bucks at launch. I’da bought it for, at most, 25.


Pshaw! That stuff is fine! Just look at fallout 4 at release!

I never got into Lightning Returns because of the timer and the general weird way it plays compared to 13-2, which I loved (I actually enjoyed ff13 and 2, I know, sue me). Reading this after trying to get back into LR last night, I’m amazed at the similarities. Fucking Square decided to just make FF: Majora’s Mask.

Sounds like you and your friends had some wild smash nights you don’t remember. My GameCube controllers worked perfectly for 10 years before I sold my system away.

I’m not even sure I know what linear Vs open world is any more. None of them, except maybe 12... And the mmos of course, would I consider open world games the way I think of open world, go wherever, do whatever, fallout/Witcher. By FF standards, I would say open world means you can fly around the whole world. So if

Whooooooaaaaaaa.... I thought this game was a joke!! It's actually real. No way. I don't believe it.

This was before that disaster. It wasn’t just the char sprites they jacked up either. The FF6 redo is ugly all over. I wish they would've given 6 the psp treatment.


OK you've had your fun with battleborn. We're ready for Borderlands 3.

Are we getting a reboot of boobs girl? That’s my shit.

Your number 1 is all that matters. You guys can keep your site. Carry on Deadspin.

I've been trying to decide if baby voice Groot or baby Groot with adult voice would be more cute. I have no answer for this.