
He is Groot.

I got Theatrythm and the FF8 music is even better than I remember it. I haven't really played through it since high school but damn that theatr is making me want to play all of them again. That's how they getcha!

JCU phase 2.

Final Fantasy Tactics was always my favorite to play with naming. They gave you 15 letters!! My favorite was Ramza as Jesus Christ. Of course his bday is Dec 25. You save Boco, “you better thank Jesus Christ.” Later on in the game it’s all, “Jesus Christ the heretic!” and many other great moments. My last playthrough

I’ll whoop them all!!


No. I'm sure of it. I hate 'em.

Both Kurt! Both amazing!

No. I'm sure of it. I hate 'em.

All the idiots are too stubborn to leave so they’ll def drown!

If they add belwas after leaving slavers bay I'll be very confused.

Guess I'll be taking my break at 10 tomorrow.

Wow. How have I not heard of this?

Yes omg I remember renting it in the 4th grade. It was another in a long line of movies that required the “no more horror movies for you if you wake us up with nightmares” line from my dad. Always been one of the greats for that scene where he transforms. My child brain was so obsessed with how the hell they did that.

Who the shit is Alison Brie?

Combat was hard to get used to after playing so, so many hours of souls games. But once I got used to it, the dodging and parrying, it felt fantastic. Dare I say, git gud?

King and Roland do look alike. He had Eastwood in mind originally. But the characters take a trip to Maine to save King and he is said to resemble Roland.

It’s in the books. They meet Stephen King when they go to Maine and it's mentioned that they look similar. Like King is Roland from another dimension.

There is more freaking out happening on other sites. Just give it a Google. But I’m sure it doesn’t matter for the movie if he looks like King as all of the fourth wall stuff will likely be taken out.