
Final Fantasy Tactics was always my favorite to play with naming. They gave you 15 letters!! My favorite was Ramza as Jesus Christ. Of course his bday is Dec 25. You save Boco, “you better thank Jesus Christ.” Later on in the game it’s all, “Jesus Christ the heretic!” and many other great moments. My last playthrough

I’ll whoop them all!!

No. I'm sure of it. I hate 'em.

Both Kurt! Both amazing!

No. I'm sure of it. I hate 'em.

Guess I'll be taking my break at 10 tomorrow.

Combat was hard to get used to after playing so, so many hours of souls games. But once I got used to it, the dodging and parrying, it felt fantastic. Dare I say, git gud?

Yes please omg. I can live with first person, but RE is all about being someone who can handle themselves in these situations. Run away and hide games get pretty boring as the novelty wears off. We needs guns and combat knives and grenades! REmake was the perfect mix imo and I hope they can at least do the same with

At least with Minecraft, if you ask the developer if you can meet other players in game, he answers with a “yes.”

How this doesn't have a thousand stars, I'll never know.

I'll just keep pretending MGS4 was the end of it all. It's dead. Snake is dead. Konami is dead. We will never have a new suikoden, silent hill, Castlevania, or metal gear. Plenty of other fantastic games out there to spend my time on. RIP Konami.

And WHY did he let her compete? Now that she's been injured, he's just going to have to take time out of his life to help her get around.

I’d think Olympic athletes would be smarter than this. You’re just gonna make your injury worse! Wait for the medic to come to you! I guess they aren’t taken for their brains.

Fuck the queen!

Still waiting on this guy blizz:

The fact that they're using less than three instead of an actual heart in the name is a fucking outrage.

I am pretty gd excited myself. After playing duscae and the Titan demo at comic con, I'm hyped.

Also, that Kristin needs a missed the joke gif.

Buncha dicks.