
She plays an important role in Brienne and Jamie's story. Book readers want to know what happens with the three of them. It's quite a cliffhanger.

My first thought was "if only he has Jon Benjamin's voice!" You did not disappoint.

But they were neighbors for awhile and crushing on each other the whole time.

This is silly. They’re adults, and he’s not her granddad or uncle.... Unless he is because THAT would be weird. Since he didn’t actually age, this is more like a lady dying and her falling for her sister afterwards. Just let people live their lives. LEAVE STEVE ALONE! LEAVE EM ALONE!

Haha! I was wondering how that whole thing went down. GOT was like, Ian, we love you, we need you. And he was like sorry I can't I'm too busy. And GOT was like, please! Just one episode!? And Ian was like o gd it, sure why not.

You musta missed the part where littlefinger showed up to tell Sansa he's got an army for her and she told him to fuck off and never show his face blah blah blah. We all knew they would need his army though.

Samsa made me lol.

This post defines "tldr." Where's our down vote button?

Yeah! I was so confused about the Brotherhood. I thought maybe it was some assholes pretending to be them. Kinda like how in the fourth book all of westeros is out of control and bandits go around unchecked. But I didn't even recognize that as Lem. Wtf Lem!

Nice engrish blizzard!!

This game, along with Okami, Xenosaga 2, Ar Tonelico, few others, made my time in Iraq so much better. So excited to have this one new, and I’m thinking I might take the ps4 copy and house it in the old metal case. =D

But, Balthier is the lead man.

Whata noob!

It kinda reminds me of an onion article it’s so ridiculous. And the people saying it’s real are just like the idiots on Facebook linking satire and taking it super srs.

As THE bestest writer in my ENG 101 course, I take offense to this.

Damn this is some professional stuff. He looks like an action figure. Can we get digital print copies and put them on our shelves and desks and admire them every day?

This is good to hear. I started with WC2 on my comp, played WC3 (a lot), and got my vet statue for having an active account for 1o years despite being in Iraq cuz I kept my account active even though I wasn't playing it. So yeah I'm a fanboy. Long setup there but I wanted to say that my gf and I would see it

I heard this movie is not good. That's the most important thing I need to know before I see it. So is it good? Or is it not good?

What? No love affair between blobs? No menacing block enemy trying to take over the world? Does it even 60fps?

The real question here is, is James Earl Jones reprising his role as Vader? If not, I prefer him a silent and deadly entity. Please don't replace his voice.