
Some of them don't actually believe they had a choice in the matter. Sometimes a story is just a story.

Haha! Not yet! Need a few more movies to catch up to WoW.

That synopsis sounds like dog shit.

I haven’t played through it. But I’ve heard that people were building their characters like scientists n shit that weren’t great at fighting and would get their asses kicked by the bosses.

I feel like it’s gotten too big for its britches now. They should just name all the FF games from here on out, FF: whatever. They aren’t direct sequels so none of the kids are going to get that all the games are their own thing. 15 is a lot. 15 is too many numbers. I’ll probably be a fanboy for life and I’m probably

OK so there’s nothing official on it. Not that I can find. Just fan stuff. I remember watching it on TV and not really playing around on the Internet at the time so it was all word of mouth.

I know what I’m doing when I get home!!

I like to think that other intelligent life forms evolved with similar reproductive traits. They'll understand porn and how mirror neurons affect us.

Trowa and the blond were supposed to be gay I believe.

I wonder what the feedback will be like if two of them end up gay. Can’t remember if anyone cared about it in Gundam though... or if it was actually confirmed or rumors.

Yeah I don’t care about the people. The doggy is so cute and fluffy. And his death was pointless.

So!!! They finally mentioned blackish and river run. Jamie is gonna be sent to quell? Brienne sent to plead? Stoneheart meets them in the middle? Yes? Yes??

Say what? Fuck off!

Yes! It is a playground!!!

They say all this stuff about choices as if it’s something that’s never been done before.

Omfg I might actually buy a hero on day one. Ive got just over 15k gold at the moment too! What a lovely day!

Cats are the worst.

I need this in my life

He won't be so happy when those lobstrosities get ahold of him!!

Haha yeah for sure. He just wants to go south and get warm and be left alone and not get stabbed to death.