Do you think therell be a bloodborne 2? The idea excites me, but there was never a demons souls 2... Unless dark souls fills that void.
Do you think therell be a bloodborne 2? The idea excites me, but there was never a demons souls 2... Unless dark souls fills that void.
Best imagery. Thanks.
I read them knowing what I was in for because I enjoy the show and wanted more. It was a fun read but I’m pretty glad the show will at least give us some kind of ending. I've no idea whether he will finish or die before but I've no idea if I'll live that long either!
The whole scene with reek and Sansa from the show already happened in the book. But the girl he jumped off the castle with was Jayna? I think that was her name. She was their replacement for Arya. So I don’t think Sansa is gonna go and have the same adventure in the book. Maybe she’ll be with Ramsey but it can’t…
I read all the books available after the first couple seasons of the show. So I'm not as devoted as you, but I feel like the best move is to just watch it. My girlfriend has not read them and she will be watching. My whole family will be watching. It's best to just accept the way things are, enjoy the show for what it…
He was a small child with nothing else better to do in 2000. Just like as a kid I’d watch pulp fiction 100x and play through super metroid twice that amount.
Was only a matter of time before Internet stars got their tabloids. The really sad thing is how easily this shit can ruin people’s lives.
Ah yes, the old "she's not really a Christian" defense. Works every tiem.
That's only if they think they're bring recorded.
Oh is that the top of an egg? I thought she flopped down and died ass up.
Even if there isn’t an anime specifically based on garbage men, I’ve no doubt there’s at least 1 bad ass garbage man in there some place.
My bro and I are having a blast playing together on ps4. Works perfectly. Dunno if either you or your friend use rest mode. But we could never play together if one had just come off rest mode. They had to restart. Totally weird thing.
Renaldo Moon!!
Right. No mimics in BB but I did the same damn thing. It was especially hilarious to me to get eaten because I KNOW all that stuff. I thought i had made it a habit but I guess something in my brain didn't click. I just derped up to it and was like o hay first chest!! Wait...
My whole life I’ve known that reporters have had a rough job when it comes to trying to report the truth. No one wants to get on the bad side of a murderer or some really powerful politician/cooperate exec/mob boss. But this shit? Wtf? It’s terrorism. Terrorism over some changes made in video games. It’s not a video…
I'm definitely a fan of the bow. There are plenty of asshole enemies that throw shit and shoot other shit. The archers in anor londo give plenty of reason to think From doesn't give a damn about being able to snipe. I'm excited about picking up a great bow in 3.
Nah you get a couple freebies. It may or may not be based on the damage though. So if you can take off half their health in one hit... Maybe. But I’ve hit an npc with my long sword once or twice and been OK.
If you’re playing with a friend, you’re in luck! Password matching from Bloodborne makes a return. So you guys can use that to engage in exclusive Jolly cooperation! Praise the sun!
I was able to beat it without the Internet. But everything? That's quite a feat if you got every item and secret without looking online.
I thought it was kinda cool. Made it the easiest of all the souls games, for sure, but i had fun clearing places out and being all free to run and roll around all over the place. Then forget about that 1 guy I missed...