Falling into a hole in a sewer and being so glad you survived! Only to be cursed by bugeyed lizard assholes and realizing there are things worse than death after all.
Falling into a hole in a sewer and being so glad you survived! Only to be cursed by bugeyed lizard assholes and realizing there are things worse than death after all.
I really miss this game sometimes. Just too expensive of a habit. Especially when gd tourneys won't let you use older editions. Thankfully there is Hearthstone, which is not the same but at least it's free.
Srs face.
But... Emma Watson...
It's funny to me that people gave a shit.
That Naruto kid is the best.
Time for fap since it won’t be in the game.
I sincerely hope they aren’t letting Snyder do every gd DC movie. He needs a break... I mean he needs to be replaced already. He’s gotten too big for his britches with these last two movies. My gf says they need a new pitcher gd it. Snyder has lost his stuff. He probably lost it after 300 actually but I’m so ready for…
No one is surprised.
Show me your moves!
Ah shit that was last week God dammit Mike why didn't you tell me!?
I think hyrule warriors is out for 3ds on the 29th yeah? Or did it get pushed back. I outta pre-order that shit now I guess.
Reminds me a bit of Everquest. I so loved that game. I went back to it for a day in 2005 just to check things out. Got a request for a port to the plane of air almost instantly lol. I had to stop after Planes of Power cuz I went to boot camp. Then of course WoW came out.
Fuck this game. I'm glad I didn't buy it.
I always love to hear about people jumping on the DkS train! It’s not too difficult right?? Don’t worry about being overleveled. It won’t make everything super easy and it’s your first time through. If you love it enough there’s always the lvl 1 run to play with later on or any number of other challenges you can make…
Salt and Sanctuary!! Been playing it the past few days and it’s amazing. It’s such an interesting and perfect blend of Dark Souls and metroidvania. You can tell the devs put so much love into that game.
If you're dead set on keeping your last name and he's dead set on keeping his, just leave them as is and hyphenate for the children. They can always change that shit when they grow up. Or you can help them change it when they turn whatever age as a birthday present. They'll love that imo.
I'd no idea about this until now. I'll keep up my own personal embargo. Just go play salt and sanctuary and forget about the world, people.
The save points are less of an issue with ps4 at least. You can just put it on rest mode and come back to your spot if you have to go. I would still like to have a save available any time but no more leaving the snes on when I have to run out and not lose my spot lol.