Mortal Wombat

No Mr. Hankey’s Holiday Classics? List is clearly defective.

Not a new phenomenon. I distinctly remember reading, certainly no less than 15 years ago, how Kraft has/had an annual target to remove cost from their products, meaning they reformulated their mac and cheese every year. The story pointed out that it would frequently be the case that the generic version of an old

Yeah, I remember trying to walk through the Taco Bell drivethru in suburban Tampa at 1am in mid-90s, and getting a hard no on being able to order. Cars could order, we couldn’t.

As someone who has been in the middle of a Jefferson’s rewatch, in fits and starts, since early Covid, all I can say is that it is not possible to sufficiently appreciate this man.

I gave my buddy an Oreo once. He had never had one before. Loved it, said it was the best thing he’d ever eaten.

My link works, try it again.

What? In the lead picture for this article, that kid is the spitting image of Sutherland.

Oh, of course, you’re here to help Dreyfuss, not to bury him.

Yeah, and it seems like Perry would actually want people to use his as motivation to seek help:

Man, of all the things you could harangue Dreyfuss about, this was a weird choice.

Dreyfuss says one incident happened.

Bull was one of the all-time great sitcom characters. I hope Richard Moll enjoyed his time on the show, because he gave me a lot of joy. Rest in peace, and condolences to his family.

Holy cow, there’s no way a dentist would agree that sour candy being good for you.

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Is it weird that I only know them from Back to the Beach, the Annette Funicello/Frankie Avalon throwback movie from the 80s?

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Tay Tay said it best, though 15 years later:

Worth noting that the King Kong novel is in the public domain. Makes for a nice property to develop as a cheapo game -- no rights fees.

Wow, I was going to make the same observation, but with a different website:

That sounds reasonable on its face, but when the phenomenon is Holzhauer dominating the all-time daily leader board, it doesn’t hold up. He’s only getting to that point by finding the Daily Doubles, betting big on them, and getting them right.

In the Alamogordo test scene? Yeah, there were definitely elements of that reaction (although I’d characterize my reactions to both as “engineering, fuck yeah!”, not America). And really, the only thing muting that reaction within me was that I knew what they had created was a war device of flabbergastingly immense

Not every movie needs to, but this one did.